Photo by Mina Ivankovic on Unsplash - Image by @upklyak on freepik
We all have an area/sector in which we want to improve (whether professional or personal). Either way, we know there is a lot we can accomplish. What is important is to keep learning, in addition to training our brains, we expand our skills and extend our well-being...
- A disciple of life -
Continuing to learn is essential for improvement. So let's explore new knowledge and inspiration, we can do it by reading books or surfing the Web, but also by having verbal exchanges with experts and interesting people, or even by traveling and meeting the inhabitants of other countries.
- Let's not put the cart before the horse -
Each step (even the smallest) is a victory allowing us to reach our goals. The important thing is to get started, and to persist in taking one step at a time. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, « If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving ».
- Let's choose a mentor -
Getting a little help on our journey can speed up the process. By observing people around us (a parent, coach, teacher, colleague or boss), we may be able to find a mentor there. If we have that chance, let’s not hesitate to consult him/her for advice. Or let's make a list of people we respect who have reached what we want to accomplish and ask them if they are willing to share their knowledge with us and ask them a few questions (let's not be disappointed if one or the other refuses).
- Take the blows and learn from our mistakes -
Nothing is easy in this life and it will beat us up. We need to remember that all the bad things we've been through (and will experience) can be used to learn and do better next time around and have brought us this far (what happened to us is part of the journey, It’s not our destination).
We all stumble and fall, but it's what we do after that determines how we progress in life (Do we get up? Do we give up?). Our mistakes leave traces, but they are necessary for our experience. While the security card saves us from some harm and misdeeds, it also prevents us from moving forward, from entering a new phase. So let's take risks, and realize that these missteps are the source of great achievements.
- Unleash our potential -
To improve is a rebellion against mediocrity : It is rejecting a minimal existence, it is taking up challenges and testing our limits. By improving ourselves, we develop our person, our mental and sometimes even our physical. The more we improve, the more we will see what we are made of and what we are capable of.
- Let's be honest -
Truth can hurt, but lies cause greater harm. Lying, or not admitting the truth, creates an emotional burden, a never-ending perpetual cycle. So let's play it fair and square!
- Thanking -
We should think about the people in our life for whom we are grateful (not just every now and then, but every day). Being grateful keeps us humble and gives us a better perspective on things, so let's express our gratitude.
Even if we devote ourselves to mastering everything we want in our lifetime, we will only be able to achieve a tiny percentage of everything we can control/store (This perspective is difficult to acquire but it is invaluable).
Most people are lazy and gullible, it’s easy to turn our happiness over to others and ask them to do the work for us, but this strategy is doomed a (total) failure. So let's get better and be our own guiding light.
What do you think?