Photo by Mina Ivankovic on Unsplash - Image by @upklyak on freepik
Listening to music is quite common in our daily lives. But the desire to listen to music comes from its influence on our various emotional and affective factors associated with...
- The pleasure -
First of all, music is especially good for us : Music seems to tickle the same pleasure point in the brain as other forms of pleasure (food, sex, etc.). This explains the benefits of music on our state of mind, our creativity and our mental health.
- The creativity -
It is not uncommon to see or project images when we listen to music or allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by it (landscapes, mythical creatures, etc.).
- The synchronicity -
If we do not identify with the music that is played in a given space, that same place becomes unpleasant or even hostile to us. It's no coincidence that the music gets people dancing, it's all about the rhythm whether it's a slow or something more dynamic. Being in tune with the music is a source of pleasure : our internal beats (heart rate) speed up or slow down to match the music.
- The surprise -
The more unexpected the musical ingredients, the more surprising the musical experience. We all appreciate, to varying degrees, disturbances in musical patterns (unexpected harmonies or entry of a solo voice, etc.), because they violate expectations.
- The memory -
Music gives rise to emotions such as pleasure or displeasure, but it also awakens reminiscences. Memories are the essence of musical events : our musical preferences reflect our history. It also works the other way around, music can help us remember past events. This is how nostalgia is the most frequently felt or evoked emotion in music.
- Stress management -
Music with a slow and steady rhythm helps to reduce our heart rate and blood pressure, which allows a release, relaxation and by extension a better quality of sleep.
- The collective bond -
Music not only evokes emotions on an individual level, but also on a collective level. When we attend a concert, our emotions are not just influenced by the music but also by the emotions of other people present. This is the case for national anthems, sports or bawdy songs. Music triggers the hormones oxytocin and serotonin, responsible for trust, intimacy and love. They allow us to create an interpersonal emotional bond.
- The passage to action -
Music can also lead us to action. This is why tyrants/dictators are afraid of its power : it brings together, expresses and influences strong feelings that are repressed and shared. It often allows to express the frustrations and discontents of people, generations or communities.
- The perception -
Music is a powerful emotional stimulus that can distract our sense of time. Indeed, time flies when we listen to music. This is why music is used in waiting rooms or in supermarkets (even if the playlists and the volume are chosen appropriately). It is also why when we are doing repetitive, boring tasks or when we need isolation, music can help us to make work more accessible.
Emotions are a fundamental aspect of the musical experience. Music can regulate our moods, reflect our feelings, enhance group cohesion, elicit physiological responses and influence our decisions. It can also allow us to set the scene, to create a festive, playful, soothing, relaxing or intimate atmosphere. So let's do this flash mob?
What do you think?