Since we spend more than a third of our time at the office, it is important to maintain a good balance for both our professional efficiency and our personal well-being...
Here you will find all my articles related to work : research, environment, culture, etc.
Since we spend more than a third of our time at the office, it is important to maintain a good balance for both our professional efficiency and our personal well-being...
Having more than one job is not always an ideal situation, but it is sometimes necessary. However, it requires some organization, so let's be careful not to be overwhelmed...
The world of work sometimes looks like a jungle and there are all kinds of colleagues to be around. We have to find solutions to adapt to their behaviour, if we want to keep our job...
Today, this effective tool for interacting with our professional contacts is an integral part of working from home. But the slightest technical hitch can hinder good communication...
What was considered a professional benefit not so long ago is now a requirement in many countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The experience of homeworking is different from the one of the offices, and the transition can be overwhelming...
There are principles that govern our life at work, here are seven inevitable ones that are important to know in order to manage our tasks and projects in the best conditions...
Some are mistakenly convinced that LinkedIn is the only tool that can help in a job search. Personally, I hate this tool, here's why...
We found a position with a company that we really like : the work is rewarding, the people are wonderful, the company culture is rich and we feel that we belong. One problem : we were hired on a short-term/interim contract...
Just as recruiters can reject a candidate, it is completely normal and acceptable to reject an employer. Here's how to do it...
The job interview is an essential step in convincing a recruiter that we are the right candidate, so let's prepare it to present us confident, with thoughtful and persuasive answers...
In my career, I have written a few and read quite a few, these are cover letters...
It's hard to be an expert at something that we rarely do, so let's focus on doing a long and tedious exercise: Let's create our curriculum vitae (CV)/résumé...
Despite the negative feelings we have about our professional status, we must put them aside and avoid some common mistakes if we are to be a viable candidate…
Without minimizing the feelings we get when we lose our job, let's remember that it doesn't end our career and let's focus on the positives...
Toxic relationships are always harmful to our well-being and our growth, they cloud our view of what is normal and what is not, especially in our working environment...